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Private Security Goons Sent to Magic: The Gathering YouTuber’s Home

The recent events that unfolded at the home of Magic: The Gathering YouTuber Dan “Oldschoolmtg” Cannon have shaken the Magic community. Cannon found himself in the center of a controversy after obtaining a box of Magic cards before their official release. Pinkerton agents showed up at his front door, demanding the return of the cards on behalf of Wizards of the Coast.

The Incident

On the morning of April 24, 2023, while filming a video for his YouTube channel, Cannon received a knock on his door. His wife, who answered the door, was confronted by two men who claimed to be from the Pinkerton Detective Agency. The men demanded the return of the box of Magic cards that Cannon had received from his trading card dealer. They threatened fines and even jail time if he did not comply.

Cannon, who was filming at the time, continued filming the interaction. He later uploaded the video on his YouTube channel, where it has since received over a million views. In the video, Cannon can be heard asking the agents for identification and proof of their claims. He also asked for the presence of local law enforcement officers.

Pinkerton Agents

Pinkerton is a private security company that was originally founded as a detective agency in 1850 by Allan Pinkerton. The company has a controversial history, with involvement in strikebreaking and union-busting. In the present day, they provide a range of services, including corporate investigations, executive protection, and risk management.

It is unclear how Pinkerton became involved in the situation, or if they were working directly for Wizards of the Coast. However, it is known that the company has worked with Wizards of the Coast in the past.

The Cards

The box of cards in question was a new set of Magic: The Gathering cards called “March of the Machine: The Aftermath.” This set was due for release on May 12, 2023, and was meant to be a supplement to the “March of the Machine” expansion set.

Unfortunately for Cannon, he received the Aftermath set instead of the publicly available expansion set he had intended to purchase. Cannon believed that his trading card dealer had made a mistake, and that the similarity of the names – “March of the Machine” and “March of the Machine Aftermath” – had caused confusion.

Cannon’s dealer, who is more of a Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! guy, may have sold them thinking they were the collector’s edition. However, Cannon does not believe that his dealer intentionally broke the street date or that anyone involved dealt with stolen product.

Response from Wizards of the Coast

When contacted about the incident, a spokesperson for Wizards of the Coast confirmed that private detectives were sent as “part of their investigation.” The spokesperson also confirmed that Cannon had received compensation for the return of the cards, although the details of the compensation were not disclosed.

In a video uploaded to his YouTube channel, Cannon recounted that the WotC representative he spoke with was apologetic for the heavy-handed tactics that made his wife cry that morning, but wanted the cards back to investigate further.

The Magic Community’s Reaction

The incident has received widespread attention within the Magic: The Gathering community. Fans and content creators have expressed their shock and concern over the use of private security companies to protect intellectual property.

Many within the community have criticized the use of private detectives and Pinkerton specifically, citing the company’s controversial history and tactics. Some have also questioned the legality of Pinkerton’s actions and whether the use of private detectives was necessary or justified in this case.

Others have expressed sympathy for Cannon and his family, and have praised his handling of the situation. In his video, Cannon remained calm and collected, and even offered the agents coffee while he waited for local law enforcement to arrive.

The incident has also raised questions about the importance of clear communication and transparency between game publishers and their fans. Many have argued that if Wizards of the Coast had communicated their policies and procedures more effectively, situations like this could have been avoided.

The Legality of Pinkerton’s Actions

The legality of Pinkerton’s actions in this case is unclear. While game publishers do have a right to protect their intellectual property, private security companies may not have the legal authority to demand the return of property or to threaten fines and jail time.

In some cases, private detectives may work in partnership with law enforcement agencies, but this was not the case with Pinkerton in Cannon’s situation. It is possible that Pinkerton acted outside the bounds of the law, and that their tactics could be challenged in court.

The Impact on the Magic: The Gathering Community

The incident has had a significant impact on the Magic: The Gathering community, with many fans and content creators expressing their concerns and frustration. Some have argued that the incident could have a chilling effect on the community, with fans becoming less willing to share information or engage in discussion for fear of legal action.

Others have expressed hope that the incident will lead to a more open and transparent dialogue between game publishers and their fans. They believe that if game publishers are more forthcoming with their policies and procedures, fans will be better equipped to navigate the complex world of intellectual property law.


The incident involving Pinkerton agents at the home of a Magic: The Gathering YouTuber has sparked controversy and raised important questions about the use of private security companies and the extent to which game publishers will go to protect their intellectual property. While the situation was undoubtedly unpleasant for all involved, it has served as a reminder of the risks associated with obtaining and sharing unreleased content.

It is important for game publishers and fans to communicate clearly and transparently, and to respect each other’s rights and responsibilities. The Magic: The Gathering community has a long and rich history, and it is important that this history is preserved and protected for future generations to enjoy. While the use of private detectives and Pinkerton specifically has been met with criticism, it is important to remember that game publishers have a right to protect their products from unauthorized use.

As the gaming industry continues to grow, we can expect to see more cases like this in the future. However, it is important that all parties involved act in accordance with the law and respect each other’s rights.

It is crucial for game publishers to communicate their policies and procedures effectively, and for fans to be aware of and follow these guidelines. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of all members of the Magic: The Gathering community to work together to create a safe and welcoming environment for all.

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