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The Best Health Documentaries to Watch in 2023

Health documentaries provide valuable insights on how to improve our well-being, both physically and mentally. These films educate and inspire us to adopt healthier lifestyles and better understand the health and wellness world. In this article, we present six exceptional health documentaries that are worth watching this year.

1. The C Word

The C Word, produced and directed by stage three breast cancer survivor Meghan O’Hara, explores the shortcomings of Western medicine in treating cancer. O’Hara shares her personal story and emphasizes cancer prevention, highlighting four factors that lower cancer risk:

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Stress management
  • Toxin avoidance

2. Heal

Heal examines the power of the mind in healing the body. Kelly Noonan reveals our beliefs and emotions’ significant impact on physical health. The documentary emphasizes the prevalence of chronic stress among Americans and its detrimental effects on the immune system, leading to increased illness. Understanding the mind-body connection can reduce disease and improve overall well-being. Noonan interviews medical, psychological, and homeopathic experts to provide valuable insights.

3. End Game

End Game aims to dispel the fear of death by showcasing how acceptance can play a vital role. The documentary features Zen Hospice in San Francisco, which uses palliative care, hospice, and counseling to ensure terminally ill patients have a comfortable and peaceful experience. Zen Hospice also guides family members in preparing for the loss of their loved ones.

4. My Beautiful Broken Brain

My Beautiful Broken Brain follows 34-year-old Lotje Sodderland, who experiences a hemorrhagic stroke due to abnormal development of blood vessels. Although Sodderland survives, she struggles with aphasia, a language disorder affecting her ability to speak, read, and comprehend spoken language. The documentary documents Sodderland’s journey in adapting to her new condition, illustrating the physical and emotional challenges of brain damage and the power of acceptance in living a fulfilling life.

5. What the Health

What the Health, produced and directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, delves into the connections between diet and disease. The documentary features interviews with scientists, doctors, and farmers, who highlight the health issues caused by a standard diet containing dairy, eggs, and meat. Andersen suggests that a conspiracy involving pharmaceutical companies and health organizations exists to cover up the diseases resulting from such a diet. What the Health promotes a plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and beans.

6. Take Your Pills

Take Your Pills is a controversial documentary that investigates the stimulant industry in the United States and the negative effects of ADHD medications like Adderall and Ritalin on children and adults. Some side effects include:

  • Sleep problems
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Panic attacks
  • Kidney disease
  • Psychosis

These medications are prescribed not only for ADHD treatment but also for enhancing focus during long work periods, which can negatively affect both physical and mental well-being.


If you’re seeking to improve your health in 2022 or want to learn more about health-related topics, these six documentaries offer valuable insights into various aspects of physical and mental health. By watching these impactful films, you’ll gain a fresh perspective on health and wellness and be inspired to make positive changes in your life.

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